Friday, September 23, 2011

Holy Busy-ness batman!

SO, I've been one VERY busy little beaver :) Here's the rundown:

1. Started home-preschooling Parker. We spend 1 hour a morning (before snack) working on coloring or little fine motor skills. About 1-2 times a week, this is replaced with OT or ST, which I agree is an appropriate substitute :) So far, he can successfully count to five, but counting objects and toes are still coming ;) He can also draw and recognize circles and squares. His favorite activity are puzzles!!!

2. I've begun to sell Scentsy ( and make weighted blankets!!! It began with making Parker one, and it turned out so nice that I had orders begin pouring in! I'm loving this new creative outlet, though I need to make some Fleece PJs for us as its getting rather chilly!

3. Parker's new favorite activity is going to the zoo. He wakes up every morning saying one of two things, "where Steamer go?" (refering to his GeoTrax train) or "see Am-nals". The latter usually wins and we've been visiting the Zoo about once a week! Below are some pictures from our most recent visit.

4. The fits aren't as frequent with Parker, but they are getting bad again. He's also begun to consistantly tip-toe walk. All of things put together are not great signs, but the Doc's are keeping an eye on his psychological development.

5. Denver- oh Denver. The insurance company came back and denied everything. They are allowing us to consult with a doctor out there, but they are not allowing any proceedures to be done. So, we are in a full appeals process, and it is going soooo slow!! I will keep you posted on any developments.

Beyond that, we're doing ok :) Progress on Parker's room has been haulted as we need to finish the downstairs rooms and the porch before it gets too cold. So, that's the skinny :) Lover you!

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